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Amir Jirbandey


Amir Jirbandey

Amir Jirbandey was the UK Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailjet. He’s a seasoned marketer with a many years of experience in B2B marketing strategies and managed all of Mailjet’s marketing activities in the UK. In the blog, he writes about tips and best practices to help email marketers send better emails.

Latest stories by Amir Jirbandey

Hermes pulling icons with a magnet

How to turn your order confirmation email into a sales machine

A recent study showed that 38% of marketers are missing out on revenue via transactional...

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Hermes and a Goddess enjoying the fireworks in front of a green background

7 ways to crush email in 2016

We recently saw email being named “the technology which has transformed how we work, the most in the last ten years”, above smartphones....

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A god takes a picture of a goddess

2015: This past year in email marketing

Can you believe it? There’s only a few more days left in the year. Time sure does fly by when...

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Hermes makes puzzles

Tracking conversion with Mailjet + Google Analytics

The world of web analytics can be a pretty daunting place. It can often feel like your digital marketing efforts are being sucked into a black...

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Hermes studies data and trends

Ask an email marketer: What’s the optimal number of call-to-actions?

From now through the end of 2015, we’ll be collecting your most burning email questions on strategy, deliverability, design...

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Gods carrying a tree

5 steps to finding your holiday email marketing goals

t’s crept up on us again, hasn’t it? Scarves have been broken out of the closet, supermarket...

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Hermes takes notes in front of a laptop

5 ways to turn email feedback into a two way conversation

When it comes to email marketing, treat your readers like you would your date. Don’t spend your whole...

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Hermes sits on a coffee mug while a Goddess talks to him

Does oversharing apply to email?

Some might say we live in a world of oversharing. You can find just about anything on your social feed, from what your friend ate for...

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God with glasses analyzing statistics

How email marketing shaped modern politics

There is no denying that email is now used everywhere. Emails from your distant friends...

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Three Gods putting a puzzle together

Email 101: Sending email using WordPress plugin

We’re big advocates of combining data and making email easier. The Mailjet Crew is always looking...

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Hermes sits on Macbook Hera speaks

3 ways to optimize the frequency of your emails

It's a fine line to tread – emailing your customers too much will cause fatigue, but messaging too little will cause them to forget you...

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Gods putting squares in place

7 must know tips when switching email service providers

There are various reasons companies make the jump to a new service provider, whether it be a growing contact list, new budget or need for new features, but ultimately the switch is a good opportunity to re-evaluate current sending processes and improve deliverability...

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