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Darine Fayed


Darine Fayed

Darine Fayed is the Vice President Head of Legal EMEA for Sinch. She provides legal counsel on our international contracts, oversees our data protection and handles a variety of other legal matters. She writes often about compliance laws and policy standards that affect email communication.

Latest stories by Darine Fayed

Hermes defending green house

The truth about compliance and data privacy between the EU and U.S.

There’s been news recently about an agreement on protecting EU personal data transferred across borders to the United States. Plus, there’s also talk of a comprehensive federal data privacy bill in Washington, D.C. So, is any of this going to make a difference...

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Hermes defending the private sign

Email compliance audit: GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and CCPA

If a historian was ever to document the story of email marketing, we suspect they would look at it from the perspective of before-GDPR and after-GDPR. GDPR wasn’t...

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Hermes defending the private sign

Privacy matters at Mailjet: Your data is safe with us

Here we go again. The ever-changing world of data privacy is… well… ever-changing, and it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the laws and...

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Hermes hiding behind Hera from three headed dogs

GDPR journal: The steps we took towards working with 3rd party providers

Welcome to the fourth instalment of the Mailjet (and my personal) GDPR Journal. So far we’ve looked at how I became a DPO, our...

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Hermes reading a book while Hera judges.

GDPR journal: Privacy matters. Really.

As our resident legal expert here at Mailjet, I set aside at least a full day each week to take care of our...

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Hermes defending green house

GDPR journal: On the GDPR track, our compliance roadmap

As our resident legal expert here at Mailjet, I set aside at least a full day each week to take care of our data privacy issues...

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Hermes and Hera hanging out in the office.

GDPR journal: What I’ve learned since becoming a Data Protection Officer

I’m Darine Fayed, (Head of Legal @Mailjet, attorney practicing for more than 14 years) and I write...

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