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Denise Chan


Denise Chan

Denise Chan was a Content Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailjet. She managed the Mailjet blog and focused on educating marketers through written content. She shares tips, tricks, and best practices on how to best use email to grow businesses.

Latest stories by Denise Chan

A god takes a picture of a goddess

How Of A Kind grew their open rates by 23 percent by focusing on quality over quantity

With the rise of “growth hacking” in recent years, businesses – especially the tech world has...

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Gods with shopping bags

Ask an email marketer: How do I leverage this busy season to build up my contact list?

From now through the end of 2015, we’ll be collecting your most burning email questions on...

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A God and a Goddess decorate a Christmas tree

Ask an email marketer: What’s one common mistake I should look out for this season?

From now through the end of 2015, we’ll be collecting your most burning email questions on...

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Hermes welcoming with big magnet

Flight School Friday: Building the perfect drip campaign

Drip campaigns are the ice breakers of the email world – only way less cheesy. The process of...

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Hermes and a Goddess carry a tree on a decorated table

Ask an email marketer: What are some tactics that all great holiday emails use?

From now through the end of 2015, we’ll be collecting your most burning email questions on strategy, deliverability, design...

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Hermes in Santa's sleigh in front of some socks

Dissecting the success of your first holiday email send

Hurray! You’ve sent your first holiday email. Now what? You might be tempted to head off and celebrate this momentous step, but before...

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Hermes sending a letter

Ask an email marketer: How much is too much email?

From now through the end of 2015, we’ll be collecting your most burning email questions on strategy, deliverability design...

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Hermes is running behind a turkey

Gamifying your holiday content calendar planning

While cleaning the other day, I dusted off an old original Game Boy and lo and behold, what did I come across? Tetris. For memory’s sake...

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Hermes and a Goddess carry a tree on a decorated table

The holiday calendar that’ll put you at the #topoftheinbox

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the inbox, your consumers are waiting...

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Hermes and Hera with mailbox

Reviving zombie contacts

They gather in dusty contact lists. They haunt email marketers who have their guard down. Zombie contacts are not your run-of-the-mill...

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Hermes and a Goddess shake hands next to a one way sign

How professionals are using emojis in the work inbox

There’s no denying it. Emojis bring to text the nuances of face-to-face communication that...

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Gods putting together molecule pieces

Email’s chicken-or-egg question

I’ve built email campaigns at a few companies in the past and everyone does it a little...

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