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Jeremy Viault


Jérémy Viault

Jérémy Viault was a Product Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailjet. He focused on sharing the best that the Mailjet platform has to offer with the world and wrote about Mailjet product development and news in the Mailjet blog.

Latest stories by Jérémy Viault

God with a letter in his hand

Let customer interactions power your email automation

In the age of real-time communications and instantaneity, we’ve grown used to wanting things,...

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Hermes delivering a letter to Hera

Get ready for easier unsubscribe on iOS 10

August is the perfect month to prepare for Back to School and sharpen your marketing efforts...

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Hermes in front of a welcome screen

Create stunning welcome series with Mailjet’s email automation

As consumers, we all appreciate to be greeted when we enter a store. A friendly face, a warm welcome, useful directions to find your way...

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Hermes shows Hera some statistics

An improved segmentation to be evermore relevant

Segmentation is one of the basics of a good marketing strategy. While we introduced some...

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Hermes sending an email from his sofa

3 Mailjet improvements on Passport to ease email design

As you’ve probably noticed, we are improving Passport, our powerful email design and edition...

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Hermes and a Goddess paint

Transactional email is now as easy as dragging and dropping

Do you feel like you’re opening your inbox on a daily basis to see transactional email that leaves something to be desired? Marketing email...

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Hermes throws a paper plane

Avoid that awkward “Oops!” moment

We’ve all been there before - that awkward situation at the office where you accidentally included your boss in on an email that they...

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Hermes flies with an email in front of an old movie projector

Build richer opt-in forms with our subscription widget

Growing an email list organically is probably one of the biggest challenges email marketers face...

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Hermes and a Goddess looking at statistics on top of two ladders

Leveling up our segmentation

Here at Mailjet, we strongly believe that good email marketing comes from knowing and...

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Hermes holds huge magnet

Win your customers over before they even open

As the saying goes, first impressions go a long way. That’s why you might find yourself...

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Hermes takes a picture of a Goddess sitting on some stats

5 email KPI hacks with Campaign Comparison

Using a tool like Mailjet’s Campaign Comparison, you can easily compile the data to analyze trends over time...

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