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Josie Scotchmer


Josie Scotchmer

Josie Scotchmer was the UK Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailjet. She's a seasoned marketer with a many years of experience in email marketing strategies. She writes about tips and best practices to help senders make the most of their email programs.

Latest stories by Josie Scotchmer

Hermes holding a big magnet in front of the desk

Empower the secret weapons of email with A/B testing

In the crazy world of marketing, we are bombarded by buzzwords on a daily basis. Whether it be our long-term favorite...

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Hermes on the desk reading to a duck

Tackling ‘The Coding Gap’, one integration at a time...

In December, we gave you the Christmas present you were all dying to receive… we integrated...

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Hermes and a Goddess analyse stats on a screen

Addressing the Coding Gap: A research report

In January 2017, Mailjet commissioned a new piece of research to understand the ‘Coding...

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Gods lighting the Christmas tree

Waitrose holds title for strongest Christmas email campaign

Waitrose claims second consecutive win but budget supermarkets including ASDA now lead in personalisation, content and calls-to-action...

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Gods announcing in front of colourful papers

Educating email marketers: Mailjet lands in London

Here at Mailjet, we love getting out of the office every now and then to hear all of your email...

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Hermes holding a big magnet

Team Trump wins campaign email battle as Clinton misses her mark

Personalised messages and a clear call to action expose Trump’s recipe for success among small donors...

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Hermes presents stats to Zeus

Marketing to the over 55s: A research report

In September 2016, Mailjet commissioned a new piece of research to understand how...

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Hermes riding Santa's sleigh in front of presents

Improve your email deliverability: The secrets to send your holiday emails straight to the inbox

Is there anything worse than putting your blood, sweat and tears into creating the perfect email campaign, just to see it land in the spam folder...

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Hermes holding big magnet in front of globe

Giving your users a (summer) break: How to get your email marketing strategy right

Summer has officially made an appearance, so you might be thinking it’s a good idea to alter your...

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Hermes and a Goddess shake hands next to a one way sign

Consumers reveal how brands are missing the communication mark: A research report

In July 2016, Mailjet commissioned a new piece of research to understand how consumers in...

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Hermes in London

What does Brexit mean for UK marketers?

Brexit has become this summer’s trending topic. Move aside, Euro 2016 and Rio Olympics, Brexit has managed to send the whole of Europe into turmoil...

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Gods take pictures of themselves on a growth curve

The state of email marketing automation in UK SMBs: A research report

Mailjet commissioned a new piece of research in April 2016 to understand how UK SMBs view...

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