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Juliane Heise


Juliane Heise

Juliane Heise was a Marketing Ops specialist and German Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailjet. She's a data-driven and SEO-obsessed content writer with a special love for data protection policies. She writes about email marketing strategies to help the German market make the most of their email programs.

Latest stories by Juliane Heise

Hermes drawing arrow in front of envelope

3 email marketing ideas for companies that love sports

You’re here because you know the power of email marketing and want to maximize your return on investment (ROI) in the sports marketing field. So strap in, and we’ll tell you how to use digital marketing to reach your business goals. Creating engaging email content is...

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god and goddess holding a christmas tree

Infographic: The journey of your emails this Christmas

There are many mysteries out there around Christmas. How does Santa Claus know where...

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Hermes is writing on the desk

Email blogging: The new holy grail of digital marketing?

Blogging and email marketing are two of the most effective digital marketing strategies. So, why not get the best out of both worlds with Email Blogging?

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