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Mary Dolan


Mary Dolan

Mary Dolan is the Community Marketing Manager and Copywriter at Sinch Mailgun. She is our social media guru and community leader. She is dialed into the email network and writes about the email topics and trends you're probably talking about.

Latest stories by Mary Dolan

Hermes holding big magnet in front of globe

Optimizing your global strategy with email localization

If you love to travel, you definitely know how it feels when you experience different cultures, traditions, and customs of distinct countries. Of course, sometimes, hopping on a plane and heading to some far-off exotic destination is easier said than done. The COVID-19...

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Hermes and Zeus have a chat next to a laptop

Boost your conversion rate with these 7 strategies

Conversion is the ultimate goal for many areas of life – makeovers, home improvement, science fiction B-movies with creepy body snatchers. One of the places where conversion matters most is the all-important area of email marketing. But how do you optimize these...

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Hermes creating grafic in front of the red mailbox

Getting close to your audience using empathetic emails

We all know the best digital marketing strategies build long-term customer loyalty. After all, what business owner in their right mind wouldn’t want to grow and retain their client...

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Sunset policies in your email program

Email deliverability rules have changed. It’s not a numbers game anymore where more email addresses equal more potential customers. In fact, new laws actually penalize you for sending too many emails that go unopened. Enter the need for an email sunset policy...

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Hermes asking for directions

How can marketers prepare for Apple Mail Privacy Protection?

Privacy – we all want it, especially as we embrace more and more global technology. When it comes to our emails and other online...

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Hermes and Hera looking at the globe

Spinning the globe: Email engagement habits around the globe

How do you check your email? By that, we mean: how often? When? Do you think your habits are the same as other people’s? Other countries?...

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Hermes protecting the door

Data compliance survey: How seriously are businesses taking data privacy laws?

Ah, privacy. No matter who you are or where you live, you probably appreciate its benefits in many areas of life. However, when most people think of...

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Hermes takes a picture of a Goddess sitting on the stats in front of some circles

How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed emailing

By now, we’re all well aware of the effects COVID-19 has had on communication over the past year (and probably sick of most of it). This...

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Hermes and a Goddess look at a screen

The top email clients and apps of 2021

We’ve all been there – struggling to send a perfectly-targeted campaign, trying to figure out which...

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Hermes and a Goddess rehearse in front of people

The path to email engagement in 2021: Key learnings

You spend hours working on a great Valentine’s Day campaign, carefully applying some of the things...

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Hermes creating grafic in front of the red mailbox

The benefits of psychographics in your marketing strategy

When it comes to “psycho” anything, you might feel a little wary – maybe the term makes you think of complex scientific concepts... or...

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Hermes and two other gods share stats on a table

How to craft an awesome content marketing strategy

Now that we’ve made it out of 2020, it may feel like you have renewed energy that you don’t know how...

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