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Nicolas Garnier


Nicolas Garnier

Nicolas Garnier was a Product Manager at Sinch Mailjet and the creator of our open-source email coding framework, MJML. He's a true email geek and shares all his expertise around email development on the Mailjet blog.

Latest stories by Nicolas Garnier

Hermes typing in a room with a Christmas tree

The MJML holiday tutorial to win at responsive email coding

The holiday season is a key period for any marketer. It’s a great time to engage with users and customers and stand out in our recipients’...

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A god and a goddess repairing a panel

MJML turns 2 and levels up with a new version: MJML v4

Two years ago, we open sourced MJML, a responsive email library that we created...

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Hermes and a Goddess paint a heart

The year of interactive email

While email has been around for a while, it can still be very hard to get right, mostly for the lack of standardization among email clients....

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Hermes holding cup of coffee on the shelf

MJML just leveled up

A month and a half ago, we launched MJML with an audacious promise: make responsive...

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Hermes reads a book to rubber duck

MJML, the story so far…

MJML, our innovative templating language that makes responsive email development easy, is...

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Hermes sitting in a room with laptop

Get personal with your contacts using Mailjet’s templating language

Today is an exciting day at Mailjet, as we’re releasing a new major feature for developers: our...

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Hermes gets his fourth cup of coffee while coding

MJML: Why we created a new open-source framework for email coding

Email coding has been a pain point for ages and it’s something we’re setting out to redefine. That’s why we created MJML, a new markup...

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Three Gods hanging spheres in front of letters

How APIs are changing software as we know it

Remember when “the cloud”  simply referred to random external servers or even the internet as a...

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Hermes is coding

UpFront 2015: The anatomy of a great UX

I would say it started as most days do, but I would be lying, as the train was early

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Gods in costumes in front of a building

Taking Rome by storm, A Codemotion adventure

It was a fairly inauspicious start to my journey, flying into Rome Fiumicino airport only to find there were no trains to the city due a power...

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Gods in superhero costumes

StartupBus: The final stretch

This is the third and final installment of the blog series about our journey aboard the StartupBus....

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