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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes and Hera in front of the mailboxes

Noreply email address: Best practices for your email strategy

Have you ever tried to contact a brand to get them to stop sending you emails, only to receive an automated reply that says your email failed to be delivered? If you have, you’ve met the villain of our story: the noreply email address. Noreply addresses are the brick...

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Hermes is running behind a turkey

Thanksgiving Email: Five tips to make your customers feel appreciated

If you’re like us, you probably started fantasizing about that delicious Thanksgiving spread as soon as you started working on your holiday email marketing campaigns. Knowing how soon Thanksgiving will be here makes it easy to forget about email when you lose...

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Hermes takes notes in front of a laptop

10 best practices for must-read content

“Let’s just create an email newsletter!” If marketers had a dime for every time we’ve heard that suggestion at a meeting, we’d be rich. While email newsletters can be great tools for engagement, creating a truly outstanding email newsletter means doing more than simply...

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Hermes points at an envelope next to a Goddess

Here’s how flat design makes marketing emails appealing

Simple ways of completing a task make your life easier. Whether it’s a coffee maker that brews a fresh pot or a car door that opens without a key, ease of use goes a long way toward efficiently helping you through the day. More and more these days, the same...

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Hermes is delivering letters to a Goddess in the street

Dynamic email content for personalized marketing campaigns

How great are emails that are tailored just for you? That feeling is essential to help businesses stand out. In fact, 65% of email marketers say dynamic content is the most effective personalization tactic in their arsenal. Also, companies who customize...

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Hermes and Hera writing a letter

8 essential email marketing KPIs and how to track them

Many articles talk about creating the best marketing campaign for individuals and businesses. Hey, we’ve even written some of them. But truth be told, email marketers don’t design the best campaigns overnight. The most successful marketers release email...

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Hermes and Artemisa paint some tags

Strategies to optimize ecommerce email marketing campaigns

Professional email marketers know that most people spend about 15 seconds reading an email. That’s why you have to level up your email marketing by performing A/B tests, learning about automation, email copy, and design to make your emails worth your...

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Hermes paints a Goddess on top of pink and blue

Optimize your transactional email design

When you forget a password and need to reset it, typically, you receive an email to complete the process. Or, when adding several items to your shopping cart on a website, sometimes a friendly reminder arrives via email. These are types of transactional emails...

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Hermes and Hera with mailbox

Create your email signature in four easy steps

We know you send and receive a lot of emails. But how are you signing those emails? Do you give your first and last names and a cheery farewell? If this is you, you’re missing out on an opportunity to brand yourself and show your contacts a bit of your personality. A...

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Hermes is painting on canvas

Effectively use newsletter graphics with these 6 tips

Newsletters don’t have to be boring like a broadsheet newspaper. They can be fun like the colorful, moving newspapers from Harry Potter. With the advent of useful design software like Canva and Figma, it’s never been easier to spruce up your newsletters with engaging...

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Hermes and a goddess painting in front of a grafitti wall

The many uses and benefits of email templates explained

Stop us if we're describing you: Your team thrives when producing highly professional email campaigns and communication materials. You all geek out over everything analytics and love tweaking your content and subject lines to optimize the best results and improve...

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Hermes in front of some newsletter boxes with a letter

Here’s how to write the best newsletter introductions

It can be hard to know where to start when you want to grow your business and increase brand awareness. Email marketing has a proven track record of building relationships with potential clients while offering an excellent return on investment (ROI). And email...

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