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The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Illustration of two Greek goddesses in front of a newspaper stand

All you need to know about newsletter subject lines

Yes, you read that right. There are dos and don’ts to email subject lines. Considering email is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers, build brand awareness, and increase sales figures, it's crucial for you to draft the quirkiest yet easiest subject lines...

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Hermes and a goddess in an artist loft

4 ways to design a newsletter that people will actually read

What if we told you that 42% of people prefer to hear from brands by subscribing to their newsletters? That’s in the top three preferred channels, only behind direct to website and social media. So how are they doing this? And how do you design a newsletter anyway...

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Hermes holding a wrench fixing a server

To zero-party data and beyond: The four types of marketing data

The pursuit of customer data goes back to the dawn of the 20th century when direct response marketers began placing ads in magazines and sending mail through the Post Office. Each campaign produced customer data, which could be used to finely tune...

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Hermes is writing next to a laptop

How to plan an effective newsletter strategy to achieve your marketing goals

Newsletters are one of the most important parts of email marketing. Not only do they offer ample space for advertising, but they also help to maintain the relationship between customers and companies. At first glance, the topic of creating a newsletter may seem to...

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Gods using tools on stack of books

What is a webhook and why do you need it?

Just think about the amount of information you get about the emails you send. We’re sure you love all the detailed stats Mailjet offers, but you wish there was just a way the right data would come to you, instead of looking for the needle in the haystack. That’s where...

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Hermes painting Hera posing

Create the best transactional email with these tips

Once upon a time, branding didn't play much of a role in marketing emails. Before, you'd design email templates with images, tables, and inline CSS. If there were any logos at all within a promotional email, you could consider it branded. Today, branding is a vital...

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Hermes sends an email from a laptop on a sofa

5 trusted principles for growth through receipt emails

You go to an online store, purchase something, check out, and voila! The transaction is successful. What's the next thing you do? You check your email for the purchase receipt. It turns out almost everyone around the world does the same thing – we wait for the...

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Hermes and a Goddess have a chat in a bedroom

5 books every email marketing professional should read

It’s a must to stay on top of industry trends, especially when technology develops on a daily basis. But how do you do that? You can either check web portals or read books to strengthen your knowledge base. And, if you’re looking for a good book to help you kick...

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Hermes holds huge magnet

How to create content when you’re feeling lazy

As an email marketer, creating engaging content that drives conversions and helps your brand excel is a top priority. After all, email marketing campaigns are one of the most effective ways to create and build customer relationships, and finding ways to optimize...

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A god holding a mail in front of a cell phone

How transactional emails affect customer engagement levels

All businesses majorly focus on acquiring new customers. They aim to ensure that the customers remain loyal to them and don’t choose their competitors. However, these businesses tend to forget about the newly acquired customers until it's time to lure them...

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Hermes and a Goddess shopping in a mall

8 marketing ideas and best practices for transactional email

Transactional emails, also known as triggered emails, have become an integral part of the user experience due to the increasing popularity of ecommerce websites for purchasing items ranging from household essentials to cars. These emails can include an order...

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Two gods decorate a Christmas tree in front of some more decorations

Kick off your holiday email strategy with these 5 ideas

Holidays are just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited. Over the upcoming winter months, we plan to discuss email strategies and the best practices to get to the top of the inbox as businesses vie for wallet share. Content, design, deliverability, analytics...

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