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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes draws an arrow amongst air balloons

Email subject lines that tap into the impact of emojis

If you receive our newsletters or have been reading our content for a while, you’re probably aware of Mailjet’s obsession with emojis. Seriously, we love them! Fun fact: Did you know people around the globe celebrate World Emoji Day on July 17? That’s because the date...

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Hermes is chilling in a sofa with his laptop sending an email

How to test responsive email design

As an email marketer, you want to reach a broad audience who are interested in what you have to say. This entails compiling an email list of interested subscribers, personalizing the content you send, and analyzing data to find out what works best. But what if you follow...

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Hermes passing the box with envelopes to Hera

Buying email lists doesn’t guarantee improved results

When your business is just starting out, you want to feel as if you’re doing all you can to grow your customer base. Stories like Harry's gathering 100,000 email signups in one week are inspiring, but they can pressure you to frantically check how to grow a contact list...

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Hermes delivers emails by moped and another Goddess on foot

Which SMTP port should I use with Mailjet?

Choosing an SMTP port can be tricky. If you’re configuring your email system to send or relay email, you’re probably wondering: “Which SMTP port should I use?” Sounds tough...

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Hermes delivering box with mail to Hera

Email marketing psychology: 8 hacks for effective campaigns

We often use shortcuts to make our decisions. Many times, we rely on our emotions while making decisions because it’s not always possible to sit and logically think out every small choice we make in a day. For instance, when going through your inbox, you read only...

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Hera painting, Hermes helping

ALT text in email – why is it such an essential feature?

Research shows that visual posts garner 650% higher user engagement than text-only posts. In fact, 67% of consumers prefer detailed, clear images instead of customer reviews or product descriptions. Based on these statistics, it’s safe to say that focusing on...

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Two Goddesses having a coffee in the kitchen

How email is significant in modern workplace collaboration

Workplace collaboration is an excellent practice that helps your brand achieve its true potential. By considering input from multiple people, projects become more refined, take less time, and promote inclusivity. Collaboration had a different meaning back in the day...

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Hermes is trapping icons with a giant magnet through a window

Millennials and Gen Z: Differences in email marketing

Millennials are growing up! The generation born between 1981 and 1996 is now 26–41. They're starting families and moving forward in their careers. The next generation, Gen Z, encompasses individuals born from 1997 onward, i.e., from kids still in elementary school...

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Hermes and one other Goddess are connecting from the living room

Email list cleaning: Complete your chores before playtime

If we take a trip down memory lane (some of our lanes might be longer than others), we might remember our parents telling us if we didn't tidy our bedroom or help clean the dishes, we couldn't play with friends or go to a movie. Let's face it, none of us wanted to...

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Hermes working on some code and a Goddess bringing supplies

How to code and create an abandoned cart email

Do you ever think about the one that got away? Picture it: You hooked them with an engaging email campaign. Then they clicked through to your online store. They even added items to their cart. And then? They left you in the dust without completing their purchase...

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Hermes in a forest with a laptop.

Fall marketing campaign ideas to welcome the new season

Autumn is the perfect time of the year to fall back into the habit of email marketing after those long, hot, dog days of summer. However, fall isn't just an opportunity to ramp up your marketing activities in time for the peak holiday season. Fall is itself jam-packed with so...

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Hermes hanging from an umbrella while a Goddess paints

How to improve the design of your responsive emails

Did you think responsive email design meant sending emails that guaranteed you’d never be ghosted again? It’s okay if you did. But seriously – responsive emails are specifically-coded emails to look tailor-made to whatever device they’re being read on. When emails...

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