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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes thinking about spam

8 ways to avoid ISP Blocklist

The Internet Service Provider (ISP) blocklist is probably your worst nightmare. Ending up on the blocklist is like having your domain name and IP address kicked out of the club, dropped from the mail server, and locked behind a firewall. (Plus, they threw away the...

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Smirky god on moped with green and red background

Email throttling: An optimization guide

Have you ever started an email campaign, only to receive error codes time and time again? The doomed “message not sent because of server error”? It may not seem harmful, but...

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Greek goddesses in front of the Supreme Court.

Supporting equitable access to reproductive and family care

SCOTUS’ recent ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade sets the stage for what will inevitably create additional pressure on a health and family care system already lacking the stability...

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Gods putting mail in blue mailbox

What is IP reputation and are there ways to improve it?

You know the old expression, “you’re only as good as your word”? In today’s complex marketing climate, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) judge your trustworthiness as harshly...

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Hermes and Hera arranging things

The 7 best templates for a successful transactional email strategy

In transactional and marketing emails, information hierarchy is crucial. The information it contains is paramount to your audience, whether your email is an alert, notification, or...

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We stand with the AAPI community

The rising violence against our Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is a painful and urgent reminder that we must unite against racism in...

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Hermes delivers a box of letters to Hera

7 referral marketing strategies to boost sales in 2021

It’s hard to beat the effectiveness of a happy customer referring you to a colleague, friend, or family member...

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Hermes sitting with laptop on a yellow sofa

6 strategies to incorporate user-generated content in your email campaigns

Imagine this: You've been daydreaming about getting a new cardigan since you first listened to Taylor Swift's Folklore, and when you...

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Hermes and a Goddess in front of a mobile phone in the city

7 unique ways Instagram and email marketing work together

When it comes to marketing, email is perceived as an old-school marketing tactic while...

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Pathwire on black

Force for change: It’s time to speak out

There are moments when it becomes necessary to speak out and come together as a force for...

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Hermes and Hera next to mobile screen

Creating a strong video marketing strategy

Video marketing is one of the most powerful ways to connect to customers online. Especially...

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Hermes and a Goddess look at some statistics on a screen

7 little tweaks that’ll improve your email marketing’s conversion rates

We all know email is the best performing marketing channel. Check out these seven tricks to boost your email strategy and increase conversion rates...

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