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Email Best Practices

5 email apps to supercharge your productivity

We give you the best email productivity apps that will make your life easier.

Hermes and a Goddess seem to be organizing a trip



At Mailjet, we’re focused on helping create and deliver compelling emails that break through the noise of your contacts’ inboxes. But we realize there’s probably noise in your own inbox that you’d like some help managing. Spend less time organizing and more time doing! Here is a roundup of the best email productivity apps to help clear the clutter, vouched for by some of your very own Mailjet crew members!


Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to get to inbox zero from your phone! Mailbox is an email client for iOS and Android that aims to give you a better overview of your inbox. If you're looking for a fresh start, we recommend their ...Help Me Get to Zero“ button which offers a few smart options to collectively archive all emails, or just your unread or starred messages. Mailbox's app also simplifies the day-to-day inbox experience with four simple commands; swipe right to Archive, long swipe right to Delete, swipe left to snooze and long swipe left to Add To List.

Our favorite productivity hack is to create lists (long swipe left to save). Try out some of the lists we use; receipt (for expenses), to-do, social media, news.


Streak is a small CRM plug-in for Google Chrome that tracks when recipients open an email you've sent and how you've interacted with them in the past. Alright, we'll admit we feel a little ...Big Brother“ using this tool on our friends, but the business applications are justifiable.

When pursuing a sales lead, you'll be able to group all conversations with a customer into one chain to provide context for future interactions. Also open a spreadsheet right inside your inbox to quickly visualize and manage your prospects and dealflow.

Streak is easy to install and automatically syncs up to your Gmail account, so each email you send will include a small bar at the bottom with a Track/Untracked check box and the ability to schedule the email to deploy at a later time. Say goodbye to the email hole“ because you'll never again wonder if your email was received — you'll know.


Acompli reaches beyond email organization and attacks the heart of on-the-go work productivity. Their mobile app neatly tabs out mail, calendar, attachments and contacts. A helpful feature is that you can attach your calendar availability into the body of an email. No more awkward toggling between Gmail, Google Docs and your calendar. If you're looking for a multi-tasking solution on your phone, Acompli is it.


Important emails getting lost in the mix of things? Need a reminder to follow up on an email after the weekend? Have your emails stored away and sent back to you at the appropriate time with Boomerang. This Chrome plug-in will sync into your Gmail account with a red ...Send Later“ button at the bottom of every new email you create. Never forget to follow up with a client or miss a bill payment again!

Manage all your subscriptions in one click with After signing up, the app shows all of your subscriptions on one page, allowing you to quickly unsubscribe from messaging that is no longer relevant. Then, combine all of your subscriptions into one daily digest called The Rollup. See all of your updates in one go, at a time of your choosing. This three year old startup will prove to be a win-win for both consumers and marketers; consumers have more control to open their Rollup when they're most inclined to buy, leading to a more engaged audience and higher ROI for businesses.

Did we miss any apps? Let us know what your favorite tools are - share in the comments below.

[ Posted Wed, 28 May 2014 19:37:00 ]

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