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#MJChat Twitter Chat recap

We recently chatted with Joshua Davidson, Ahna Hendrix, Nat Eliason and Anthony Frasier during our monthly #Mailjet Twitter Chat. Here's a quick recap.

Hermes and a God are trying to plug a tablet in



We recently chatted with Joshua DavidsonAhna HendrixNat Eliason and Anthony Frasier during our monthly #Mailjet Twitter Chat.

Our guest experts shared tips on how they have used social media to grow their email list to launch their business or product. Here are 5 things we learned about growing an email list using social media and email marketing:

1. Create relevant content

The one thing that kept coming up during our Twitter chat on sure ways to grow your email list was creating relevant and good content.





2. Market, market, market

Content creation is key but it doesn't mean much if you aren't marketing it properly.


Nat Eliason was quick to note that for some businesses, they may not have time to share their content on social media, so they have to think outside of the box to get results.



Another user pointed out they get really niche and engage in relevant groups on Facebook or LinkedIn to start communication in order to share his content.


3. Be different and be consistent

Sometimes when creating content, people look to "recreate" what others have done successfully. And it can work sometimes but how long can you keep up that level of consistency? Our guests explained that you can be different but be consistent.




4. GIFs, design and emojis

It's no secret that three of the major ???'s to success for cutting through the noise and reaching your customers are the use of gifs, good designs and emojis.




In our Email Design Toolkit guide, we break down how better designs can increase both conversions and clickthrough rates. You will be amazed at how much more engagement you will receive once you begin investing in better designs.

5. Test test test

There's tons of data out there on the perfect time to send your emails or schedule posts on social media, but truthfully, audiences interact with content differently depending on the platform, the product and the brand. The only way to know what works best for your business or brand is to test test test!



For complete highlights of the chat, check out our Storify article.

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