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Dev.Mailjet just got a fresh new look

With its fresh new look, our developers' site,, lets you set up our API easily and send your emails in no time.

Hermes repairing case in front of the screen with codes



Today, email is a key aspect of any application, yet having to manage your own email infrastructure is painful for most developers. That’s why we’ve committed ourselves to building  easier solutions.

Since 2015, our API has improved and matured a lot thanks to your feedback. We’ve made some changes and decided to give our good ol’ website a revamp with a whole new bunch of features. Here’s what you need to know.

A brand new home for Mailjet developers

2016 has been a super busy year for the developers’ activity at Mailjet. Traffic on our dev website,, increased a lot and we knew it was time to give it a refresh.

Think of it as a new, way better home for developers. We’ve given it a fresh new look, a visual design that’s aligned with our current design guidelines. Plus, it’s also way easier to use. You can now understand what Mailjet API is made for at a glance without having to go through the whole documentation.

Along with the revamped website, we’re also introducing a new dedicated newsletter to keep our developer community up to date with the latest API-related news. So, what are you waiting for? Click here to subscribe.

Our API just became even better

Our API is the core asset of Mailjet for developers. We don’t want to brag, but we believe it’s a great product with the latest additions that we have made:

And now for the cherry on the cake, we've also opened a dedicated Twitter account to interact with our community of users. Meeting people during hackathons and events is great, but we felt that we needed a channel, so that we could share our news with you everyday: say hello to @mailjetdev.

What’s next?

I’m glad you asked. The above is all very good, but it’s only the beginning of a long series of awesome developments for Mailjet’s API users. Here’s what is on the agenda for the next few months:

  • You may have heard of our new marketing feature: Email Automation. You can now welcome new users automatically, and more automated workflows will be launched soon to cover more business cases. For now, it’s available only from our UI but we plan to also make it accessible from our API by the end of the year.

  • Outside of Email Automation, there’s also our open-source baby. MJML is a markup language making responsive HTML email coding (finally) easy for developers. Since its launch in February 2016, MJML has received amazing support and feedback from the community and it's continuously improving, like fully integrating it back to Mailjet Send API and Passport, is top of our roadmap.

  • Whilst we’re talking about improvement, we are also focusing our efforts on making our API even better. The next step is to improve our API reference to provide an easier way for Mailjet API experts to navigate into it.

  • Along with all these projects and products, we want to create a dedicated space for our community of users. This space will be included in the new website and will allow users to share tech content, exchange tips and help one another.

  • Last but not least, of course, we keep committing ourselves to publish  more materials in order to facilitate the understanding and use of our API. That means creating more demos and a starter kit to facilitate on-boarding.

As usual, we welcome your contributions on Github and interactions with us on Twitter. Your feedback is what helps us to continuously improve our product for you. Thanks for being awesome and we hope you enjoy using Mailjet.

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