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2015: This past year in email marketing

Let’s take a look at a roundup of email stats from this past year, so you can see what the world of email looked like in 2015 and weigh in on how you measured up globally.

A god takes a picture of a goddess



Can you believe it? There’s only a few more days left in the year. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun. The Mailjet team’s spent the last week looking back on all that we’ve accomplished the past year – the projects we’ve completed, the products we’ve pushed, the places and people we’ve met.

Among the wins we’ve been looking at for 2015, we also wanted to give you a big pat on the back for all the awesome email campaigns you’ve whipped up this year. Globally, you guys sent a whopping 41% more email this year than in 2014. Let’s take a look at a roundup of other stats from this past year - so you can weigh in on how you measured up globally:

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