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Grow your contact lists, grow your revenue with Mailjet forms

Free, easy-to-integrate sign-up forms capture the data your business needs, so you hit more inboxes with messages that sell.

Mailjet's subscription widget and newsletter.

Build forms that build your business

Want to increase sales faster? Want more subscribers for your newsletter? Embed or add a pop-up sign-up form on your website at crucial moments to capture your audience’s attention and collect the information your business needs to grow.

Hermes with business growth chart.
Mailjet's drag-and-drop Form Builder.

Get started in minutes

The drag-and-drop Form Builder creates attention-grabbing forms, fast. Capture information that helps you pinpoint your contact’s interests and preferences. Use that data to segment your audiences and craft high-converting, personalized messages for email marketing.

Protect subscriber data

Ensure you are GDPR compliant and email your customers with confidence. Double opt-in confirms that your users entered a valid email address, and that they have given you permission to contact them.

Athena in front of a locked screen.

Grow your list the right way.

It all starts with a subscription.
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