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Lost in all the marketing jargon? Find definitions for common email and digital marketing terms and learn more with our related resources.


Ecommerce is the buying and selling of products and services online. Because of its growing popularity, many businesses have moved at least some of their operations online, selling products on their website and/or other ecommerce platforms. It’s an excellent first step for businesses looking to reach more customers and expand their presence.

Email campaign

An email campaign markets products and services to subscribers and seeks to provide them with tailored content at the right moment (which is exactly when they need it). Not only does an email marketing campaign inform consumers and persuade them to take action, but it nurtures existing customer relationships and increases their loyalty toward a brand. It lets companies analyze marketing metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, click-to-open rate, and conversion rate to optimize future messages.

Email editor

An email editor helps marketers design appealing emails in less time. It houses features like an intuitive interface, image editing, and a library of templates. These editors also adapt to different email clients like Gmail and Outlook, as some email clients don’t always support elements like large graphics.

Email engagement

Email engagement is when a user interacts with the content a company sends, whether that’s opening an email, reading it, clicking a link, or purchasing a product. Companies can track their email engagement rate to analyze their overall growth and increase brand awareness.

Email fatigue

Email fatigue occurs when subscribers no longer interact with your marketing emails, causing reduced open rates, click-throughs, and website visits. That can happen due to irrelevant content, frequent emails, or changes in a subscriber’s interests. To avoid email fatigue, email marketing professionals must maintain email list hygiene.

Email footer

An email footer is found at the end of an email and  usually contains contact and legal information and summarizes a brand’s identity. Footers aim to create an even stronger impression with graphics positioned below contact information to emphasize topics like offers or events.

Email layout

Email layout is the overall appearance and theme of a marketing email. It contains a headline, body, call-to-action (CTA), and conclusion or closing statement. In HTML (HyperText Markup Language), it consists of rows, columns, and tables. Email marketers can adjust all these elements to design messages that fit their brand identity, campaign objective, and persuade potential customers to take action. The focus of an email will change, depending on the objective. For example, abandoned cart emails will have different layouts than new product newsletters.

Email lead generation

Email lead generation is the process of compiling sales prospects with a signup form in an email. It allows companies to collect data on potential customers, like their contact information and name. These emails feature an appealing subject line, a straightforward message, a compelling call-to-action (CTA), and links to social media channels to generate leads.

Email leads

Email leads are email addresses who provide their contact information to a brand, typically through an opt-in form. Email marketing professionals with a lengthy email lead list nurture potential customers over a period of time and guide them through each touchpoint of the customer journey. This helps them gain customers and turn them into loyal buyers.

Email list

An email list is the directory of contacts companies use to send marketing materials. Companies should seek to grow their respective email lists over time and periodically clean it to remove inactive contacts to improve the reach of their marketing campaigns. With email marketing’s excellent return on investment (ROI), having a solid list is an essential part of the equation. Something to always keep in mind: never buy an email list online, as it neither complies with email best practices nor is supported by inbox service providers (ISPs).

Email marketing

Email marketing uses electronic communications to advertise a company’s products and services and increase brand awareness. These emails target groups of people, usually in the same target audience, to send any type of commercial message. A good email marketing strategy has the potential to drastically increase sales and turn new customers into loyal advocates.

Email personalization

Email personalization works to add a more personal feel to marketing emails. It involves adding user attributes, like name, gender, and location to avoid sending generic messages that may come off as distant. This bolsters open rates and click-throughs while nurturing customer relationships.

Email sender reputation

Email sender reputation is a score that an inbox service provider (ISP) assigns to brands sending emails to subscribers. These reputations determine whether an email reaches a subscriber’s inbox, as ISPs work to filter out spam. ISPs then route emails to inboxes or spam folders, depending on the sender’s reputation, keeping recipients’ inboxes clean and free of unwanted messages.

Email subject line

The email subject line is the first piece of text recipients view in an email and is visible in the inbox. It determines if recipients open an email or not. Email marketers have many best practices they should follow when writing subject lines, like being concise, asking questions, and announcing something.

Email template

An email template simplifies the creation of appealing marketing emails by providing an outline that senders tailor to their specific needs. Rather than spending hours designing a template that loads on multiple devices or has a visual appeal, marketers use an HTML email template with those elements already in place, saving them time, money, and resources.